We are honored to be semifinalists for the second time at the Eugene O'Neill Musical Theatre Conference that develops new musicals, many of which have gone on to Broadway. If chosen this would include a two week live in development residency working with Broadway talent that culminates into a public workshop production of the show.
Savage was honored to ba a 2024 Finalist for The Playwrights Realms Native American Artist Lab
Savage was one of four shows, and the only musical, chosen to be a part of the Creative Nation's residency and First Storytellers Festival at the Dairy Arts Center in Boulder Colorado. The residency will culminate with a performed reading of the scritpt and music on Oct. 2, 7pm.
Savage and it’s creators Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart just became Semifinalists for the Eugene O’Neill National Musical Theatre Conference. If chosen this would include a two week live in development residency working with Broadway talent that culminates into a public workshop production of the show. This is a HUGE honor as hundreds of shows apply.
Cowriter, lyricist, composer, and Wanda Savage's great grandaughter, Nicolette Blount was interviewed by Rachael Youngman on her very popular podcast Choctalk You can listen to all three parts of the podcast on Spotify, etc. or watch it on Youtube at the link below and make sure you subscribe to her channel!
Savage Creators Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart were honored to be among the top 20 finalists for the 2024 Rhinebeck Writers Retreat.
Savage cowriter, composer, lyricist was announced in Playbill and Broadway World as a Dramatist Guild Foundation National Fellow.
Cowriters Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart were selected to be part of the Bethany Arts Multidisciplinary Residency in upstate New York 2024.
Savage cowriter, composer, lyricist was announced in Broadway World as a Dramatist Guild Foundation National Fellow. Here is the Broadway world article:
Savage cowriter, composer, lyricist was chosen to be one of five musical theatre writers to be in the Dramatist Guild Foundation National Musical Theatre Fellowship.
Savage was selected to be part of 2024 She NYC ARTS.
Just in time for Womem’s History month! Go check out Cowriter, composer, and lyricist Nicolette Blount’s interview with the ladies at Women and Theatre Podcast.
Nicolette Blount was honored to be interviewed by Jason Ward for his podcast. Jason is a creative director / speaker / writer. Great interview!
We were honored to have Celebration of Native Arts feature and perform Nicolette's music in Focus on Native Composers. "Warrior" was featured as was "Unconquerable" which has some of the Chickasaw's endangered language in the song and closed out the show..
Savage was chosen out of 65+ shows to present at the Broadway musical shark tank at Open Jar Studios. We performed two songs Currency of Men and Cat's Meow (see it on our performance page) and presented our pitch. We received second place and got great feedback from the Broadway producers.
Savage the Musical was honored to be one of over 500 shows to be given Honorable Mention in this award which means that one or more committee members (voters) said our show was their pick for the win!
Congrats to all the winners! Savage the Musical lost Best New Musical by 1%, but we are honored to be runner ups!
For more info read the article below.
Savage the Musical's recent developmental production was nominated for 11 Broadway World Regional Awards for the Boston region.
You can find us under questions
2, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35!
Some of the songs songwriter Nicolette Blount wrote for Savage the Musical will be featured a Women of the Wings at 54 Below on Sept. 30, 2022 along with other new and upcoming female musical theatre writers. Check out the Broadway World article below.
Savage the Musical put on four developmental productions, open to the public, April 1, 2, and 3, 2022 to full crowds receiving standing ovations at each show. Stay tune for more to come!
Wanda Savage, Savage the Musical and Nicolette Blount were featured in the Chickasaw Times on page 14 and 15 of the March 2022 issue.
Cowriter Nicolette Blount and Justin Begin, who played Howard Hard in Savage's first developmental production in MA, were interviewed on the television show MASS Appeal to talk about the show.
Nicolette Blount was interviewed by Kari Lincks Coomans from Red Carpet Addict for there Behind the Curtain show.
Cowriters Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart were interviewed
by Ryan Meyers, Broadway's News Guy.
Broadway World Announces Savage the Musical's first developmental Production April 1-3, 202s, tickets under "Tickets" tab.
Savage the Musical released their first Ep with 7 songs to all streaming platforms June 2021. There music has been streamed 9.5K times.
Savage Cowriters Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart were recently interviewed on Musical Theatre Radio's Podcast Be Our Guest with Jean-Paul Yovanoff. Hear it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google and more.
August 16 the podcast, Breaking the Curtain, interviewed cowriters Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart. They talked about the show, the real Wanda Savage and their process.
Savage the Musical was honored to be featured in the very popular and beautiful Indigenous magazine, Native Max in their entertainment issue.
On June 28 and 29, 2021 "Currency of Men" hit #81 on the iTunes Jazz charts as reported by songstats.com. We are so honored! "Currency of Men" is performed by Christina Cerbone (Chapin). Music and lyrics by Nicolette Blount and Arranged by John Waynelovich. Click "Listen" below to hear the newest version of the song.
Talietha Sangha, communications director for Olivia O the Musical, gave a wonderful interview to the book writers for Savage the Musical, Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart on Olivia O's IG channel.
Savage the Musical's song "Warrior" was chosen to be featured on New Alliance Radio Hour which is heard on 6 different stations across Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Luis Fieldman from The Daily Hampshire Gazette did a large, two page article on Savage the Musical's recent EP release on July 3, 2021.
Savage the Musical released a 7 song EP on June 28, 2021. The short album is streaming on all music platforms (iTunes, Spotify, etc..). Broadwayworld.com wrote a great article about the album with some insight into each song as it takes place in the show.
The writers at Savage the Musical didn't let the pandemic stop their development. They finished a full rewrite during the quarantine and had a zoom table read with NYC actors and Director Rachel Klein May 2021.
Jennifer Robin AKA Miss Jiff interviewed Nicolette for Resilience Radio, a Native American Program, on KVMR in CA. They talked about our protagonist and Nicolette's Great Grandma Wanda Savage's life, Chickasaw history, Native American issues, and women's rights as these are all issues Savage the Musical deals with. We will be posting a link to the YouTube to watch the recorded live version soon.
Nicolette was recently highlighted and interviewed on Musical Writer's Academy
Two of Savage the Musical's performances( "Wanda Savage" and
"Cat's Meow") and the song "Currency of Men" were featured at Thornhill Theatre Space on August 23.
We are now on regular rotation of the Sample Platter of new musicals on Musical Theatre Radio.
Cowriters Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart were recently interviewed by Dave Hondel at the Stage Door Show. Great interview and they played some music from Savage's upcoming EP out June 28,
Creator/Cowriter Nicolette Blount was recently interviewed on the Broadway Refocused Podcast called Musicals with Impact. Check it out on iTunes Podcasts.
Broadwayworld.com article about our fifth single. Read about it here and find out what we are planning in the near future!
Check out our newest release, Warrior featuring cowriter Nicolette Blount and our current lead, Samantha Myburgh.
Co writer/creator and our real life heroine, Wanda Savage's Great Granddaughter, Nicolette Blount was interviewed by the amazing Stephanie Lexis on Instagram Live on the Broadway Body Positivity channel.
Cowriter, Nicolette Blount was recently interviewed for Northern Roots about the effects of COVID on Savage the Musical. Read it here:
Post in New York Theater by Jonathan Mandell about our NYC premiere concert at New York Musical Festival. The blog also has a video of one of our performances at Broadway Sessions.
Creator/Cowriter and our real life heroine, Wanda Savage's Great Granddaughter, Nicolette Blount, was featured in Tony Award Wining Producer, Ken Davenport's Theatre Maker's Studio's Newsletter.
Unfortunately, because of COVID-19, Savage the Musical had to cancel it's opening performances in April. Savage the Musical will be rescheduled when it is appropriate and safe to do so. We hope that all of you will stay healthy and safe during these tough times. Remember, this is only an intermission.
Savage had it's first developmental table reading in NYC Sept. 18, 2019. Producer David Treatman was in attendance, Director Rachel Klein, and writers Nicolette Blount and Lindel Hart.
Tony award wining producer, Ken Davenport, has chosen Savage as one of the "5 shows that Stand Out at NYMF 2019" in his recent blog post! We are honored to be the only concert in his list!
Deb Miller at DC Metro did a beautiful interview with our Director, Rachel Klein and Creator/Producer/Composer/lyricist/writer Nicolette Blount. Find out more about the background of Savage and our real life heroine Wanda Savage.
Composer/Lyricists Nicolete Blount and John Waynelovich received the 2019 Song of The Year Award from the Tony Award Winning Producer, Ken Davenport. "Pronys" are given to outstanding achievement in several catagories each year in Ken's Producer's Perspective. Congratulations to Nicolette and John for this big achievement! You can hear Wanda Savage on all streaming platforms.
We just released our third single, Cat's Meow. It features Christina Chapin and Samantha Myburgh. Cat's Meow can be streamed on all streaming platforms, Itunes, Google Music, Spotify, etc. You can also stream our other singles: Take My Shot and Wanda Savage.
Savage performed at Broadway Sessions hosted by Ben Cameron June 25, 2019 at 10:00pm at the Laurie Beechman Theatre. We were one of 8 shows from New York Musical Festival that was featured.
Savage was one of the few musicals chosen to be part of NYMF this year, 2019, in one of their concert slots. Savage will be putting on two concerts in July with some of Broadway's favorite actors. Don't miss it! More details and Broadway news coming soon! Read the press release from Broadway world.
Savage the Musical released its second jazz single "Take My Shot" featuring co-composer/lyricist's Nicolette Blount and John Waynelovich.
Savage the Musical has released their first single, the ever popular and funky, "Wanda Savage".